Head Physical Therapyin Philadelphia, Trenton & Surrounding Cities
We specialize in the treatment and management of acute concussions as well as those with persistent and chronic symptoms. We utilize a patient centered care model incorporating a multi-disciplinary team approach to ensure the best possible care to return you to sport, work and recreational tasks. The management of concussions entails addressing blood flow impairments by utilizing graded exposure to aerobic exercise, improving vestibular and visual dysfunction as well as performing manual therapy and corrective exercises for cervical spine involvement. In addition, a holistic approach is utilized with education on diet and sleep to further improve symptoms. Our main goal is to ensure a safe recovery following this injury and to spread public awareness and education about concussions and how a physical therapist can help. We also provide a comprehension baseline test consisting of 8 tests analyzing neurocognitive function, memory, reaction time, balance and more. Please contact one of offices to learn more!