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5 Activities To Do This Fall

5 Activities To Do This Fall

Fall is finally upon us, bringing cooler temps, crunchy leaves and spooky season. Take advantage of the lovely, cool weather by getting outside and participating in one of the Autumn-themed activities around your community. Grab your flannel, a big water bottle and maybe a few snacks before leaving the house. See below for five family-friendly activities you can participate in regardless of where you live.

Raking Leaves with Grandparents or Family

Raking leaves is the perfect way to make chores fun again. This is an excellent activity for grandparents and grandchildren to do together; all you need is a rake. You can play many games with the grandchildren to bring out their competitive spirit and encourage a good laugh. For example, challenge each grandchild to see who can make the most enormous leaf pile. Or time each kid to see how fast they can run and jump into the leaf pile. Whatever game you pick, it’s sure to bring out loads of laughter and bonding.

Pumpkin Picking

Regardless of whether you live in a city or the countryside, there will be a pumpkin patch not too far of a drive away. Pumpkin picking gets everyone in the spirit of Fall, especially for Halloween. Before going to the pumpkin patch, pack lots of water and good walking shoes for running around the patch. Want to pick the best pumpkin? Follow these rules:

  • The smaller, the better
  • Check for bruising or rotting on all sides of the pumpkin
  • Knock on the pumpkin to see if it’s hollow. You want a hollow, empty-sounding pumpkin.
  • The best pumpkin will be vibrantly orange.

When scouring the pumpkin patch for the best one, watch out for the pumpkin vines so no falls occur. On the topic of injury, make sure to lift the pumpkins with your knees, not your back, to avoid any back pain that could ruin your fall festivities. Happy picking!

Halloween Activities (mazes, trick-or-treating, haunted houses)

Halloween is a week away, so the spooky activities around your town should be in full swing. If you decide to go pumpkin picking, make it a two-for-one and visit the corn maze if they have one. If corn mazes aren’t your thing, start prepping for Halloween trick-or-treating. Prepare your costume, ensure you have a good candy basket (a pillowcase will also work) and plan your route around the neighborhood. Trick-or-treating is the perfect time to get some extra steps in with the kids, enjoy all the excitement and relish childhood memories.

Hiking/Walking enjoying Fall Foliage

There’s something about seeing yellow, orange and red leaves on the trees and hearing the crunch as you step on them that brings out the child in everyone. The best way to see all of the exquisite fall colors doting your area is with a hike. Get on All Trails, pick a hike that matches your preferred difficulty and length and pack a bag full of water and snacks. If you’re bringing the kids along, create a scavenger hunt of items to find so they’re constantly on the lookout and don’t get bored. Download the graphic below for an already-made scavenger hunt!

Spice Things up With a 5k

If the crisp air brings out your inner runner, sign up for a local 5k. You can usually find Breast Cancer Awareness 5ks, Halloween 5ks, and more in October. Use RunGuides to find any and all races happening near you. If all 5ks have passed in your area, sign up for the local Turkey Trot that most towns have on the morning of Thanksgiving. If this is your first 5k, consider contacting a physical therapist for tips on training and preparing for the race. They really can be fun to train for, especially if you’re doing it with your friends or family. At the end of the day, it’s all about promoting movement in a fun and positive way.

Whether you’re pumpkin picking, participating in a 5k or raking leaves in the yard, Fall brings many great outdoor activities. Not only are they perfect for promoting movement in a fun way, but they’ll provide you with memories that will last a lifetime. Happy Fall!

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