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Spring Activities for a Fresh Start!

Spring is an excellent time to get active after a long, cold winter. With the arrival of Spring, we see longer days, warmer weather, Spring sports, outdoor adventure, and much more! Being ready for these activities with the appropriate shoes are essential.

Footwear Preparation For Spring Activity

Shoes should always be matched to the springtime activities you are pursuing. You should examine all of the equipment for your favorite activities. If you love to go cycling, make sure your bicycle components are in good shape and ready to ride. If you love playing soccer with your children at the park, you should check your soccer balls, shoes, and water bottles for replacement.

Shoes are likely the main thing you need to replace or check for wear. You should try to match different shoes for different purposes to have them last longer. For example, you will want different shoes for hiking versus running. Running shoes are generally designed to last 300 to 500 miles before needing to be replaced. Walking and hiking shoes may last longer, but they should have good tread on the bottom. Your shoes for the new season should also be free of holes or rips, which is a sign they should be replaced. These principles are essential for any type of shoe, including those used for cycling and other sports, like tennis or basketball.

If you use one pair of shoes for everything, the shoes will wear out faster and not provide adequate cushioning and support. This increases your injury risk and will cost you more money in the long run.

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The Importance Of Warming Up

Given the better weather and more drive to spend time outside, you may find yourself transitioning into a different workout routine during the Spring, such as running or cycling. Regardless of the exercise, incorporating new movements can be challenging on the body. This highlights the need for a good warm-up routine to prevent injury and prepare muscles and joints for new activities. You should do this even if you pick up where you left off in the fall.

Warming up for Spring activities (and for all other seasons) should involve preparing the muscles you are about to exercise with gentle movements. Dynamic warm-ups are much better than static stretching because they get more circulation to the muscles to prime them for movement. A good warm-up should last about ten minutes and target the same muscles your planned exercise will use. Examples of suitable dynamic warm-up activities include squats, lunges, walking, or jogging. Warm-ups are crucial to ease the muscles and joints into more intense exercise and to prevent injury.

How to Get Active In Spring

Spring activities, especially spring family activities, are a great way to resume or begin a healthy exercise routine. Here are a few things to remember when getting active in the Spring.

Start Gradually! Let’s face it, your body is used to different routines and activities in the winter, and most of us are not as active as we’d like. With this in mind, your muscles and joints need adjustment and gradual training to prevent injury. For example, if you are getting back into running for a late spring race, start your training runs at under three miles rather than jumping right into ten miles.

Stay Hydrated! You must replace all the fluid you use in exercise with water and electrolytes. Dehydration can lead to nausea, fatigue, and even heat exhaustion! The average person should drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. This amount increases along with the intensity of exercise, however.

Try New Things! Think of Spring as a fresh start to try new activities you have wanted to get into. If you are in an area with a hiking or mountain biking group, these are excellent activities to enjoy nature and develop a community! If you have access to a pool, swimming regularly is an option. People who pursue exercise that they enjoy will get more regular exercise than those who force themselves to exercise. Regular exercise is associated with better physical and mental health and lower rates of chronic disease. Find activities you enjoy and can stick to feeling your best this Spring.

Having proper shoes, pursuing Spring activities you enjoy, warming up, and staying hydrated is the key to a healthy and happy Spring!

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